
  • Cadiz, Spain Jan 28 - Jan 31
  • Casablanca, Morocco Feb 2 - Feb 5
  • Walvis Bay, Namibia Feb 14-16
  • Cape Town, South Africa Feb 18 - 22
  • Port Louis, Mauritius Feb 27
  • Chennai, India March 5 - March 9
  • Bangkok, Thailand March 15 - March 19
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam March 22 - March 27
  • Hong Kong/Shanghai China March 29 - April 3
  • Kobe/Yokohama, Japan April 6 - April 10
  • Honolulu, Hawaii April 19 - April 20
  • Puerto Quetzal Guatemala April 28 - April 30
  • back to the USA =( Fort Lauderdale May 6

Monday, January 26, 2009

Sea Creatures Galore

So today was another exciting day, aka we saw another sea creature. This time it was a dolphin, which I have to say was even more amazing than seeing a whale because the dolphin actually jumped out of the water. When we saw the whale there were 5 or 6 of us outside but today with the dolphin it was just Nicky and I that went out because we felt sick (the rocking has gotten even CRAZIER). We weren't even looking for any animals and then randomly there it was. Everyone was REALLY jealous which once again proves how badly we all need to get off this ship. Everyone is sooo excited for Spain - even when you are sitting by people you have never met before, someone will usually ask what you're doing in Spain. It has replaced "so where are you from?" as the new topic of conversation with strangers. Besides the dolphin, today was an extremely boring day. Realizing that we are about to be off the ship for 4 days, Semester at Sea has decided to invent ways to cram in as much info as possible while we are still here. For anyone who doesn't know, we have class EVERY DAY on the ship. This past weekend - class. On Saturday and Sunday. Every now and then we'll get a random day off but for the most part there is always class. One class is SPECIFICALLY about all of the places we go to. It's called Global Studies and for the past 2 days, and tomorrow, all we talk about is Spain. Then, tonight we had a "pre-port" lecture where 3 people talked about...Spain. Now, normally I wouldn't complain about all these lectures because, let's be serious, half my semester is going to be spent in 10 different countries. Going to class on the weekend isn't THAT bad. Plus, the guy that has been talking about Spain in Global Studies is a really engaging speaker and is really entertaining. But, this pre-port lecture was at 8:00 and EVERYONE even the faculty was dozing off. Clearly, everyone on the ship has been talked to death about Spain and we're all just ready to BE THERE! At this time tomorrow, I'll be packing my bag and I hope everyone knows how happy that makes me!

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